
计算机科学系提供一个本科专业,可以获得文学学士学位或理学学士学位, and two minors. In addition, the Computer Science, 生物学, 和数学系联合提供跨学科的集中 Bioinformatics.


Core 课程:

  • Computer Science 1 
  • Computer Science 2
  • Computer Systems
  • Computer Organization
  • Logic and Computation
  • Randomness and Computation
  • 算法 

(The final three courses must be taken in the order listed) 

Additional courses (12 credits):

  • Three credits from CSCI 2000 or above
  • Nine credits from CSCI 3000 or above

Mathematics Component (class of 2027 and prior classes) 

  • 文科学士需要一个学期的微积分课程.
  • 我们强烈建议攻读学士学位的学生也学习线性代数


  • 文科学士需要一个学期的微积分课程.
  • Linear Algebra

攻读理学学士学位的计算机科学专业学生必须完成七项核心要求以及计算机科学方面的额外课程, mathematics, and the laboratory sciences. 

Core 课程:

  • Computer Science 1 
  • Computer Science 2
  • Computer Systems
  • Computer Organization
  • Logic and Computation
  • Randomness and Computation
  • 算法 

(The final three courses must be taken in the order listed) 

Additional courses (12 credits):

  • Three credits from the Social & Ethical Issues cluster (CSCI 2260- 2267)
  • 12 elective credits from CSCI 3000 or above

Mathematics Component (12 credits):

  • Calculus II (mathematics or science majors)
  • Multivariable Calculus 
  • Linear Algebra
  • 任何数学课程3000或更高(数学4426 -概率除外)

Science Component:

  • 为理科生开设的两个学期的实验科学课程. Choose from among the 生物学, 化学, 物理, or 地球 & Environmental Sciences sequences listed below.


Declaring a minor:
学生可以在修完CS2或注册课程后(在加/退截止日期之后)宣布辅修计算机科学. 辅修课程必须在学生大二结束前申报.

数据科学辅修课程是一门跨学科课程,强调以人为中心的数据分析和建模应用,以实现共同利益. The minor has been designed to be flexible and accessible for students across a variety of disciplines; no previous programming experience is required, 学生将能够构建一个6门课程的途径,将数据科学与他们感兴趣的应用领域联系起来.  辅修课程对电子游戏软件的所有本科生开放

Course Requirements (18 credits):

  • Data Science Principles (CSCI 1090) (no prerequisite) 
  • 数据科学的数学基础(数学2250)(先决条件:数学1101或AP微积分AB 
  • 数据科学:方法和应用(CSCI 2291)(先决条件:CSCI 1090和数学2250 
  • Elective 1 
  • Elective 2 
  • Data Science Capstone (CSCI 4900)

请注意:CSCI 1090和数学2250可以采取任何顺序或同时. Consistent with the University’s academic regulations, 学生必须在数据科学辅修课程中获得至少15个学分,这些学分不能用于满足其他专业或辅修课程或核心课程的要求. 最多, 3个学分(1门课程)可以“重复计算”到辅修课程和学生的专业要求中.

应用ing for the minor


  • Declare the minor before the end of your sophomore year.
  • Complete CSCI 1090 and MATH 2250. (It is recommended that you maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 averaged across these two courses.)
  • Have a degree audit
  • 填写数据科学辅修课程表格,列出你的课程重点领域, the two elective courses you will take, 辅修课程之外的另外两门课程可以支持你的衔接计划.
  • 应用 by November 20 in the fall or April 20 in the spring. 录取通知将在12月和5月发出(一旦可以审查学位审核)。.

获取更多信息或接收数据科学辅修途径形式作为应用程序的一部分, contact the program director, Professor George 莫赫勒.